Implement Simple Lifestyle Changes To Help You Thrive

You don’t have to give away your power any longer. You have the ability to thrive sitting inside of you, just waiting for you to make the simple lifestyle changes that allow it to come out.
Enrollment is now included in Christa’s Private Health Club Tiered Membership.
benefits you'll develop naturally

Slow & Easy Positive Changes Every Few Weeks

Lose weight
Replenish depleted hormones
Create balanced, clam, positive moods
Alleviate sugar and caffeine cravings
Sleep easier and more soundly
Enjoy regular, healthy digestion and elimination
Better immunity
Improve your long-term health and reduce your future risk of disease
Improve your family health
Relate to life with a positive perspective that attracts more good to you
Gain self-awareness and conscious accountability
Gain confidence
Have respect and reverence for your body
Eat mindfully, understanding the energetics and power of food
Know intuitively what to eat, when and why
Enrollment is now included in Christa’s Private Health Club Tiered Membership.

Join 20,000+ People Transforming Their Lives

"Christa is my food angel!"
I started the program because I had extreme bloating. Christa gave me the tools I needed to help my body fight the war against bloat and introduced me to all the elements that contribute to making a person “whole”. Now I not only eat consciously, but I live and love more consciously.”
- Stacyann B.
“The Whole Journey was the answer!”
After 10 plus years of high cholesterol no matter what I tried, The Whole Journey was the answer. I did it the natural way in less than three months and I feel great!
- Ching L.
reported digestive improvement in bloating, pain, constipation, diarrhea, and reflux
reported significant improvements in skin conditions (acne, eczema and psoriasis)
recommend these programs to others
How do you quantify health and a better experience of life?
Without it, we can’t have a good life. With it, we become a healthier, happier, better version of ourselves.

This program does not involve deprivation, denial or willpower. Instead it provides education, upgrades and empowerment that allows you to give yourself a better life.

Many of us tell ourselves that we’ll start focusing on our health tomorrow, next month or next year because we feel we have to make drastic changes, which feel daunting, yet we are tired and stressed and the thought of this endeavor makes us more tired and more stressed.

This course was designed to stop the madness of that cycle because the changes are upgrades that are simple, easy and enjoyable. They do not add to your burden, they alleviate it.

Embark on a steady 3-month journey to feel whole again

The action items in the Nutritional Lifestyle Program are spaced out in a way that set you up for success so you can improve your health while still fully executing your daily responsibilities.

It doesn’t take away the food items and “guilty pleasures” you look forward to throughout the day to reward yourself for all of your hard work.

It upgrades them so that you can still enjoy them while nourishing both your body and your soul.
proven Strategy

Create a Life You Love in 6 Easy Sessions

Setting Goals and improving Digestion
Since dis-ease (this includes minor everyday symptoms) manifests in four ways: congestion, stagnation, depletion and deficiency, session one begins to fill in your vitamin and mineral deficiencies with food and a supplement plan while also adding in gentle daily cleansing techniques. We’ll focus on improving digestion via proper food combining, enzyme production and better elimination. Set goals and create a road map for how you will achieve the level of health you seek.
Creating Steady Energy Levels and Balanced Moods
The adrenal glands are the gas tank of the human body while the thyroid is both the furnace and the thermostat and the nervous system is the foundation of both. In this session, we learn how to nourish our nervous system so that we can be calm and focused. You will learn to eat to support the adrenals and thyroid while keeping the delicate balance of your nervous system. Learn how to balance your blood sugar, improve metabolism and refill your tank so that you begin to have better moods, steadier energy, and if you need to lose weight, you can start to lose the average of 6-8 lbs per month.
Shopping, Cooking & Meal Planning Made Easy
Now that you’ve been improving your daily lifestyle and habits for a month, you are ready to ramp up your shopping and cooking so we tour the grocery store and learn about new, delicious foods that sky rocket your health while teaching you the art of how to cook once and eat 10-minute meals all week.
Improving Relationship with Food, Your Body, Yourself and Sugar
It’s now time to confront your relationship with yourself and your body, and your relationship with sugar head on. This is the session where we break up with sugar for good and learn to keep the sweetness in your life while eliminating the sugar. You’ll learn which carbs you need to eat and how to achieve the permanent freedom from cravings you seek. This session you’ll get the hang of feeding yourself what you are truly hungry for (most often this has nothing to do with food) creating emotional freedom and a healthy relationship with food and self.
Detoxification, Reduce Pain & Prevent Cancer
Most people don’t realize that they’re bodies need a certain level of health to cleanse at the cellular level. This session you’ll implement easy, at-home techniques for cellular cleansing so that you can eliminate toxic build up in your system, giving you greater mobility, flexibility, and empowerment to fight health challenges and diseases. This eliminates inflammation from the body.
Vitamins, Minerals and Using Food as Medicine
Here’s where you learn to create your own natural apothecary at home. Take a deeper dive into nutritional supplements that help keep you and your family healthy for years to come. Customize unique protocols for a all types of health issues/conditions. Restock the medicine cabinet and bathroom with natural stuff and learn which spices and herbs to stock in your at-home “farm-acy”. Get exact food and scientifically proven protocols to help you avoid or improve many health issues.

The Advanced Sessions

For those who like to nerd out on the functional medicine side of health and nutrition, we’ve got a four-part section that dives deep into the immune & digestive systems, the adrenal glands, the thyroid, and the entire brain to help you understand and interpret your own lab work so that you can build an action plan to vibrant health. This section includes Christa's successful Whole Journey protocols for a myriad of conditions (that took thousands of hours, hundreds of real clients, and 9 years to create), a detailed dietary tracking guide for the thyroid as well as a Graves' disease and Hyperthyroidism and a Hashimoto's and Hypothyroidism protocol. You will understand how your own body works on many levels after the advanced sessions. Transcriptions are included.
Science-backed HEALTH Transformation

Proven Methodology

Body as One Whole
If you have a rock in your shoe, wouldn’t you agree that it’s better to take off your shoe and remove the rock versus taking ibuprofen to mask the discomfort?
Life-long Changes
By creating a balance between the clinical aspects of health, primary foods and the foods you eat everyday; you’ll experience steady changes in your health and well being that you’ll be able to maintain for life.
Highly Personalized
I believe every individual has distinct dietary needs based upon genetics, lifestyle, gender, age, blood type, stress levels, how they ate as a child, current state of health and future health goals.
Members have the knowledge and tools to take full accountability and responsibility for their health for the rest of their lives, and know how to course-correct if or when symptoms reappear.
Free of Willpower
While many nutritional philosophies dwell on calories, carbs, fats, proteins, and restrictive “good and bad” foods, we provide our community with the tools and knowledge to create a happier, healthier life in a way that is fun, flexible, and free of willpower and denial.
Mind-Body-Spirit Approach
I focus on primary food elements that nourish you including honest, open relationships, movement you enjoy, a meaningful spiritual practice, a creative outlet that inspires you, and an understanding that there can be emotional roots to physical illness.

No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated by any other means.

‍We are big believers that many are suffering unnecessarily and that if we bypass addressing individual symptoms in favor of looking at the body as one whole, systemic organism where all organs and glands are in concert with each other, the body will heal itself more effectively.
Value packed

What You'll Get Inside The Nutritional Lifestyle Program

10 Action Items Implemented Every Two Weeks
6 Sessions of In-Depth Video Training
Advanced Sessions (4 Parts)
Grocery Store Tour
Meal Plans
Healthy Life Handbook
9 Hours of Informative Webinars with Transcripts
Shopping Lists
Food as Medicine Cookbook
Health Product Swap PDF
Additional Resources & Handouts
... much more

Nutrition 101 – Make Easy Upgrades


$397.00 $397.00

or 2 payments of $218
Enrollment is now included in Christa’s Private Health Club Tiered Membership.
6 Easy Sessions
10 Action Items Every 2 Weeks
Advanced Sessions (4 Parts)
In-depth Video Sessions
Grocery Store Tour
Meal Plans
Shopping Lists
Healthy Life Handbook
Food as Medicine Cookbook
9 Hours of Informative Webinars
Health Product Swap PDF
Additional Resources & Handouts
Money Back Guarantee
If you don’t love The Nutritional Lifestyle Program, or find that this program just isn’t right for you, we offer a 14-day money-back guarantee from the date you purchase the program.
Access To The Program
You’ll have access to the Nutritional Lifestyle Program in our online portal for the life of the program! That means you'll also have access to any newly added content, recipes, or information for the life of the program.
“Through this course, I feel I am getting my life back AND my family is enjoying our new healthy lifestyle as well!”
– Melissa.
“If you don't feel good, feel alone, and as if you will never get better, take this program. You have to be willing to do the work, but your life will change. I am healthier, happier, and finding more gratitude every day. Go take your health back!”
– Julia O.
“I am SO impressed with the depth of Christa’s knowledge & her ecourse. I pour over the info many times and love healing myself with food!"
– Lisa
“I love the 3 month course! Feeling better everyday, Christa. Thank you!”
– Kriss-Lisbeth.
“My blood sugar is finally balanced, I have more energy, feel mentally alert, emotionally strong.”
– Sara.
"LOVE this course so much so that I plan to immediately repeat it on my own to absorb all the wealth of information.”
– Sheri.

Want to know even more about this program?

Dramatically improve your digestive health (and therefore whole body health)
How do we do this? By understanding (in plain English) the elements that make for good digestion and following a step-by-step tried and tested method to improve it. This method includes:

• Proper food combining
• Identifying and eliminating food sensitivities, pathogens, and bad bacteria
• Incorporating healing foods into the diet
• Healing and rebuilding the lining of the small intestine
• Repopulating the GI tract with good bacteria
• Consuming the right type and amount of fiber
• Making sure there is enough hydrochloric (HCL) acid production to keep food digesting properly and the “bad guys” from sticking around if they try to come back after removal

When anyone is faithful to this process, they can dramatically improve most any digestive issue from bloating, to IBS/IBD, to Crohn's.

Quadruple Your Energy While Losing Weight Permanently
When you incorporate the right foods for your unique body and fill in nutritional deficiencies essential for growth, metabolism, and hormonal balance, not only do you feel 10x better, you also look 10x better and weight loss happens as a byproduct of achieving greater health and balance. We also achieve this by boosting and balancing the thyroid gland (there is a free, at-home test inside the program) as well as the adrenal glands (the gas tank of the body). Many people are able to cut down or eliminate thyroid medications after successfully completing our program (with the guidance of an MD).

This program is supportive for those wanting to recover from adrenal fatigue, Graves' Disease, Hashimoto's Disease, or other autoimmune diseases naturally. It does not include one-on-one or live support, but does provide protocols for all of these and a deeper understanding of how they manifested and how to heal them from the root cause. There is a community support section where our entire tribe supports each other and answers each other's questions. TWJ veterans are great about helping new people heal from issues that they have recently overcome.

Learn how to Balance Your OWN Hormones, Heal and Soothe the Nervous System, and Build Lasting Immunity
Learn how to slash inflammation with diet, high quality supplementation and lifestyle changes. This includes building and boosting immunity with go-to foods and herbs and stress management.

This program will teach you how your hormones, nervous system, and immune system all work together and what to address first to get the results you are seeking. Hormonal balance begins in the brain, which is why we talk about creating balance in your neurotransmitters (chemical messengers in the brain) while balancing and boosting the hypothalamus and pituitary glands (master glands in the brain) through foods and amino acids.

Approaching hormonal balance this way is a holistic approach that allows your body to make the hormones it needs in the right amounts. We also address what to do if you need hormone supplementation.

This program is supportive for those wanting to dramatically minimize the symptoms of MS or other neurological disorders naturally through diet and lifestyle.

Understanding Vitamins & Minerals
There are so many supplements on the market, how do you know which ones are good or which ones you actually need?

We'll cover:
• The most common vitamin and mineral deficiencies
• The root cause of deficiencies to make sure they don't return
• A step-by-step guide to supplements to make sure you are using the highest quality, easiest-to-absorb nutrients

Benefit from Christa’s thousands of hours of research into supplements! You'll learn:

• How supplements are produced
• The sourcing and quality (of the soil if they are food-based)
• The excipient list (the “other ingredients” that could be potentially harmful)

This is all very important to understand when customizing a supplement regimen for yourself.

Go beyond the kitchen:
• Detailed information about upgrading bath and body products

Effective, Yet Gentle Detoxification
When and how you should cleanse? The answer is, it depends! A person has to be strong enough for deeper cleansing so you always want to build the body up first before you demand it to work hard to release stored toxins.

This program will help you ensure that you are gently detoxifying on a daily basis and will help you figure out which organs and glands to target for cleansing (aka, your “weak points”). Once the body is in an improved state, a safer environment has been created for the deeper aspects of cleansing. We cover all of this and the program includes my 7-day customizable raw food & juice cleanse where you can take this as far as you want (should you be ready to cleanse all the organs, glands, systems, and the blood) or keep it as a gentle reset.

Creating a New Relationship with Food through Mindful Eating
How and why we eat are just as important as what we eat, which is why we dive deep into this in the program. Food is a relationship like any other and if we ignore it, we will have a bad relationship with it, just as we would with a person if we ignored them. By taking the time and presence to eat mindfully (I help you fit this into a busy life) you will discover how to choose foods intuitively based upon what your body is craving to create and maintain a balanced, healthy state. Once you develop this skill, the “bad cravings” and emotional eating can fall away, creating emotional freedom.

Fast and Easy Shopping and Cooking
It's my personal mission to make the health food store your “happy place”. After spending 90+ minutes in the grocery store with me, I'm confident that you will be brimming with excitement about all the amazing foods you CAN eat that you won't ever feel deprives as to what you “can't” anymore. You will understand how to shop in a different way and why you'll want to add certain foods into your diet, how to cook them, and how to use different foods together to maximize the others nutrition content.

With 3 weeks worth of detailed meals plans (plus a bonus weight loss meal planner) with corresponding shopping lists and over 180 recipes, you will gain MUCH more confidence in the kitchen so that you can make this work as a lifestyle for the long haul.

Creating an Honest, Loving Relationship with Yourself and Others
Your health journey is about much more than the foods we eat. We talk a lot about functional medicine and nutrition, vitamins, minerals, herbs, healing foods, and how to heal the physical body. However, in order for healing to take place at the deepest level and in order for it to last a lifetime, one must also address and deepen their mental, emotional, and spiritual relationship to themselves.

• How do you talk to yourself?
• How do you view yourself?
• What are the limiting beliefs that stand in the way of achieving the health and life you want?

We answer these questions as we address the emotional roots to physical health issues. Practical tools are given in order to help you view health challenges as great opportunities for life lessons that forever add value to your perspective on the world. This section's focus is to enhance your connection to the “bigger picture” of life, affording you a genuine sense of peace and confidence.

This is a private website platform and is proprietary in nature and controlled under special private agreement. Oneness Ministry, and Christa’s Private health club are organized to uplift the community and the environment through health education, support, fellowship and unity. The content on this site is for informational purposes intended only for members as an expression of our ministry to the world. Everything on this Site is based upon our own private opinions, educational ministry. We operate in honor, trust, and by membership dues and donation only. The content and materials herein are not to be obtained in any manner-including but not limited to-recordings, copying of any kind, hand written, etc., from this site by any and all parties without express permission from managing parties. Any downloadable material including but not limited to audio, typewritten or video format is for personal use and individual private education. All material and experiences provided within our ministry are private between man/woman who choose to operate in private, and contains privileged and/or confidential information and is for the sole use of the intended recipient; Oneness Ministry and Christa’s Private Health Club reserve all rights and are not responsible for individual use by the Members, Users and/or Visitors to this site. All rights are without prejudice and without recourse by the sender(s). All State and Federal public entities, legal persons, offices, officers, agencies or agents are barred from extracting content from this site under any presumption of law without express permission by Oneness Ministry and Christa’s Private Health Club. All state and federal persons and offices will be held liable in their private and public capacities for any breach of these conditions. Assumed and presumed public statutory authority over the private proprietary property of Oneness Ministry and Christa’s Private Health Club, contained and maintained on this site is hereby rebutted and denied without a valid quo warranto, express contract or express agreement, under authority by God.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will this program help me get off of medication?
Of course you have to be guided by your MD about titrating off of medication. Many people in our last group (of over 400 people) were able to dramatically lower or eliminate their thyroid, sleep, anxiety, depression, cholesterol, blood pressure, and some other meds when they worked with a doctor who was willing to run consistent labs on them (or they ran them on themselves inside our program which is an option) to measure their progress. Everyone is different and this should always be attempted with the guidance of a health care professional. However, as the body heals, gets nourished and cleansed, the need for medication usually lessens dramatically. Our philosophy is to “give the body what it needs, take away what it doesn't need, then watch it heal itself.” This has played out countless times.
How much time do I need to do this?
The more you put in, the more you will get out. Plan to heavily be a part of this program for the three months after you sign up.

Carve out two hours per week to watch all the videos, go through the reading materials and to plan your “action items” for the following week. Then carve out another 2-3 hours/week for cooking and shopping if you want to get further faster. We also include how to be healthy when frequent travel is involved, what to do when you eat out a lot, and how to make healthy choices on-the-go so please don't worry that once you enroll, you'll spend all your time in the kitchen as that isn't so. 🙂
What if I'm living on coffee, donuts, and French fries? Will this program be too advanced for me?
No judgment! I have 10 years of experience meeting people exactly where they are so that they can upgrade and improve their diet and health at a pace that is comfortable for them. The Whole Journey is about customizing your experience and setting yourself up for lasting success. So whether you're sipping on kale smoothies every morning, or hitting the drive through at night (or both!), you'll quickly realize that no matter what you're eating now, you can do this and you can take it to the next five or 10 levels of wellness.
What if I am not tech savvy?
This program only requires basic computer and email skills and a willingness to put in the time to watch and read. We have customer support that can help you with your technical questions. If you are totally freaked out by technology and not willing to dive in to the program, then this is not the right path for you.
I've been living a healthy lifestyle for years and already know a TON about health and nutrition. Is there still something I can learn in this program?
Absolutely, but read through our orders page carefully to make sure everything listed are things you want to learn. There is a “Deeper Science” section of the program, which includes details on building, boosting, and cleansing the digestive system, the thyroid/adrenals, and the immune system. It includes detailed information on how to improve Hashimoto's disease, hypothyroidism, Graves' disease, and hyperthyroidism. It covers which labs you would want to run with your doctor. We also have nine 60-minute recorded webinars, which dive deeper into cellular cleansing, genetic mutations, heavy metal toxicity, and candida/yeast overgrowth. Often times, very healthy people (or even health coaches and other nutritionists) join us just for the information and leave wildly inspired about living even more vibrantly than they thought possible (many actually become health counselors after our program!)
Since this is a group program, how do you maintain accountability?
This is a DIY program so you have to be self-motivated first and foremost.I send you encouragement emails each week to help you stay motivated and inspired and to troubleshoot. I also give you detailed action items to execute for each and every session.I will give you all the tools to make this happen, but remember that ultimately, I am just a guide who is sharing knowledge and information and an action plan with you. You make this happen in your life. You must take action and work the program if you want results. Whether you do this program or work with a private practitioner one-on-one, personal accountability and personal responsibility for your health is the single most important ingredient for lasting success.
I've been on countless diets, to countless doctors, naturopaths, and other practitioners and I don't feel any better. How can I be sure that this will actually work?
I hear you. It's scary to try yet another thing. We hear this a lot and know there is much suffering out there. If you follow the program, I mean really carve out the time to go through the information in the way I suggest and have the drive and motivation to do the work to understand your own body, then you will get healthier. That is a definite. To which degree depends on how much effort you put into it, and what unique circumstances are happening with your health.

If you have been very sick and very tired for a very long time and do not have the energy for a DIY program, then you should probably work one-on-one with a private practitioner.

If you are fed up with the many practitioners you've been to and are ready to try a new way that requires you to become your own health detective (with my help of course), then you can typically expect the healing time to be 1 month for every year you've been sick.

Note that there might be a need for the attention of an individual practitioner to help you troubleshoot if you are looking for someone to focus on your unique biochemistry (although you can run your own blood work on the thyroid and immune system within this program. I teach you how to read your results and how to build a plan for yourself once you have them). We offer a list of referral partners who are familiar with our program so you can work with someone privately while doing our program and get the best of both worlds.

Since most of this program occurs outside of our sessions while you are living and eating in your daily life, ultimately the results depend on you: what you put in, you will get out. You must take the time to read all of the materials, to watch all of the videos, participate in the community (it's very active and many people start live calls with the group after the program to stay in touch and support one another) and work the program.

The Whole Journey is so different than any other program because it is the only program combining the clinical aspects of health and healing from the root cause (don't guess at it, test it and then heal it) with the holistic aspects of customizing diet to bio-individuality while also addressing the mental, the emotional, and the spiritual roots of imbalance. For lasting change (what we call “finishing work”), your perspective around health and how you take care of yourself must shift, not just the things you put in your body.

In order for this to “be different”, you have to make it be different and show up 100% and participate in the program. While this might sound a bit dramatic, the rest of your life depends on it. Life turns out completely differently depending on the level of health and well being we experience on a daily basis.
Do I get access to the entire program (all modules and sections all at once)?
What if I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis or Graves' Disease, can this program help?
Yes and an early welcome to you. Over the last two years, I have been forced to dive deep into becoming a thyroid expert because so many people have such serious thyroid issues. There is now a detailed protocol explaining both conditions (plus hypo and hyper and what to do if you do not have a thyroid any longer) and how to build wellness and balance based upon your current thyroid health. If you ar self-motivated on this, then join us!

This program will help you identify and avoid major food sensitivities, learn which foods support thyroid function, how and when to eat to balance the thyroid and how to address other factors affecting it like digestive, immune, and adrenal health. We have easy, free and pretty much no-fail ways to test the thyroid on a daily basis at home to make certain your condition is improving.

Many of our current community are working to heal themselves of lifelong thyroid conditions so you will have the support of people who are ahead of you on their journey if you reach out and use our private community support system.
I'm a vegetarian/vegan. Can I still do your program?
Yes, while I do often recommend high quality animal protein and animal products throughout the program, we also give a wide array of options and product swaps that can help vegetarians understand how to be the healthiest vegetarian/vegan they can be. We also give a TON of information on organs, glands, and every system of the body as well as how to break down your own lab work so that you can become your own best doctor. This will allow you to understand how to fill in any potential nutritional deficiencies or to remove excesses that might not have you feeling your best. If you have serious health problems as a vegetarian, you'll have to put extra effort into how you prepare your food to get the most amount of nutrition from it, but it can be done.
I live Internationally. Can I still take the program?
Yes, you can access the membership site from anywhere as long as you have Internet and email access. There is one caveat however. We do suggest supplements and other products that are widely available in the US and if they are not available in your country, you will be responsible for procuring them or matching the ingredients/formulas to something similar that is available to you.

We provide links to as many as we can to make the search easier. However, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to find every product that is suggested so you will have to find comparable products in your country, which may require more research on your part. Please note that we do not refund the program if you cannot find an exact match to suggested products (as they aren't essential for success within the program).
I'm worried that I'll be too busy to execute the program. What if I don't follow along exactly?
We totally understand that everyone is busy. Family, work, traveling, getting married, moving, having kids… the list goes on. You don't have to worry about any of that because you have access to the program and program materials inside our online portal for the life of the program.

This means you really can't ever “fall behind” because you can go at your own pace. You will get a weekly email from me so if you aren't keeping pace with those, just save them all and then go back and read them when you are on that specific week of the program.
I'm worried that I'll be too busy to execute the program. What if I don't follow along exactly?
We totally understand that everyone is busy. Family, work, traveling, getting married, moving, having kids… the list goes on. You don't have to worry about any of that because you have access to the program and program materials inside the online portal and you can go at your own pace.
We totally understand that everyone is busy. Family, work, traveling, getting married, moving, having kids… the list goes on. You don't have to worry about any of that because you have access to the program and program materials inside our online portal through Dec 31, 2023.

This means you can go at your own pace. You will get a weekly email from me so if you aren't keeping pace with those, just save them all and then go back and read them when you are on that specific week of the program.
Do you offer program payment plans?
Yes, we offer a payment plan which has made this program a reality for thousands of people already.
Do you offer program payment plans?
There are no payment plans due to the sunsetting of the company.
What if I don't like it? Can I get a refund?
Yes. We offer a 14-day “no questions asked” money-back guarantee. However, do not enroll in this program just to “try it out” because we will not provide a refund for this.

This program is for serious action-takers who understand who we are and what we are about and want to learn and implement what I have to teach. It is for people motivated and excited to help themselves.

My approach is via education, motivation, and inspiration, not tough love. I give you email support and encouragement and detailed action items to follow as well as enough information to customize to your unique health situation and goals.

If after 21-29 days the program does not resonate you, you will need to submit a two-page document explaining:

1) How you actually worked the program (both sessions and all the action items as well as “Deeper Science” and Webinars 1&2).

2) What changes you made and what you experienced. After that, we are happy to refund your money 100%.

But again, we are serious about supporting people who want to help themselves so this program requires you to hold yourself accountable. IF you do not plan to take action however, this program is not for you. Take your time before making your decision as there is no time –sensitivity here and the program will be available for enrollment anytime you feel you are ready.
What is your refund policy?
All Sales Are Final.
How do I contact support?
Please send an email to
Please send an email to

Our Customer Service Staff provides support for the Nutritional Lifestyle Program via email, Monday through Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm PST. We do our best to respond to inquiries within 48 business hours or less.