5 Foods that Outsmart Breast Cancer

5 Foods that Outsmart Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in woman and the second leading cause of death for them. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.

But it doesn't have to be that way.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Sure, we all have certain genetic predispositions and environmental odds stacked against us.

We also have an infinite amount of power to create a body in which breast cancer can't thrive based upon what we eat, how we manage stress, and how we move and cleanse our bodies.

Today we talk about 5 everyday foods that help to do just that.

This is about blooming where you're planted and getting routine foods in your diet to use as your weapons on a daily basis.

1: Broccoli
Always purchase organic broccoli to cut down on the chemical pesticide load, which will prevent your liver from having to work overtime metabolizing those unnecessary chemicals.

Research shows broccoli blocks tumor growth because of the anticancer compounds it contains called carotenoids and sulforaphane. Studies also show it can assist the body in detoxifying excess estrogen – very important with breast cancer, which is an estrogen-fueled cancer.

Try our Broccolini with Spicy Sesame Vinaigrette!

2:  Chia and Flaxseeds
There are TWO main seeds that can help keep away cancer.

Chia seeds (especially when soaked in water overnight and drank the next morning) help pull excess estrogen and toxins out of the body.

Flaxseeds contain a high lignan content. Lignans work against estrogen-fueled cancers like breast cancer. Flaxseeds are especially supportive for premenopausal breast cancer.

Make sure to grind the flaxseeds in your coffee grinder to release their nutritive properties.

I’d suggest 1 tablespoon of each a day in a smoothie or on a salad or mixed into soup. Just don’t heat them up because their omega 3 fat is not stable and most of their beneficial properties are destroyed by heat.

My favorite brand of seeds far and away is Barlean’s. They are a seed company and I like to use companies who have a narrow focus on only a few different types of products because they typically have access to the highest quality sourcing.

3: Beets!
Beets are great because they have a high iron content to keep your cells full of oxygen so cancer can’t thrive. They also help cleanse the gallbladder to keep it strong so that you can digest healthy fat better, and then your body can use that fat to boost immunity.

Try grating them raw into a salad or having an entire beet salad of shredded beets with olive, lemon juice, and sea salt a few times a week.  Or you can try our beet salad with fennel and mint which is alkalizing, easy to digest, and delicious.

4: Wild Salmon
Inflammation is the root of all disease. Wild salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help your body fight inflammation. Wild Alaskan, Sockeye, and Copper River are my favorites.

If you don’t live in a place where you have access to high-quality wild salmon, Vital Choice Seafood will ship it frozen right to your doorstep.

Then you can try our famous Salmon Cakes, Wild Salmon with Rosemary and Garlic, or Ginger Salmon with Kale Salad recipes.

5: Artichokes!
Last but certainly not least, artichokes boosts liver function and contain enzymes that ward off the replication of cancer cells.

And did you know that artichokes contain more anti-oxidants than any other vegetable giving it the power to go in and neutralize cancer-causing free radicals or toxins in the body?

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